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The Girls with the Farm

Flower Farm production field of flowers

Hello! We are Jess and Jessica and homesteading is our passion. We believe that anyone can do it. It's a state of mind and a way of life. Homesteading is something we have felt called to for our entire lives and finally made the leap in 2020. We moved from our townhome in the 'burbs to "rural residential" and we haven't looked back!


In June 2024, we bid goodbye to Wisconsin and moved to Southern Ohio to build our new farm on family land. We started with one big cut flower garden, two big ground vegetable gardens, seven raised garden beds, an orchard, ducks, and bees in Wisconsin. We now have 5 acres, a small herd of San Clemente Island Goats, and a giant production field for Flowers. We brought all of our poultry, rabbits, and animals from WI in our move. Things are expanding on the farm!



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Stay updated on our upcoming events and special farm activities. From private u-pick events to bouquet and livestock pop-ups, there's always something happening at The Girls with the Farm.



Discover our assortment of specialty poultry and waterfowl, they bring so much fun and character to your farm.

Breeds we specialize in include:

  • Ayam Cemani

  • Buff Brahma

  • Deathlayer

  • German Vorwerk

  • Silkie


On our farm we have two rabbit breeds, Standard Rex and Gnomish Giant.

We have two color projects going on for our Standard Rex rabbits, tri-color breeding and merle grey color breeding.  For our Rex rabbits, we focus on breed standard and high quality rabbits. We sell them as pets, for show, and as meat rabbits.

Our Gnomish Giant breed is also a meat breed that we've brought to Ohio from Minnesota. The purpose of the Gnomish Giant breed is to create a bigger meat rabbit with Rex fur. Bigger breeds often have a bigger skeletal structure meaning less meat per bone ratio. With Gnomish Giants, there is more meat to bone as they keep the standard skeletal structure and produce an increased amount of meat. 



We have a herd of 14 San Clemente Island Goats (SCIGs) on the farm. They are a rare, critically endangered North American breed from San Clemente Island, California. Once wanted to be erraticated from the Island by the US Navy from the 1930s up until the last goat was killed on the Island in 1991.  3,000 Goats were trapped, removed from the Island, and rehomed on the Main Land with restrictions to breed them. 

As of today, there are less than 2,000 SCIGs left in North America. On our farm, we are breeding with the purpose of milk production, brush management, and meat. The use of them in show is gaining popularity and spotlights this rare and unique breed.

Located in Hillsboro, Ohio.
Serving Highland County and beyond.

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The Girls with the Flower Farm LLC est. 2024

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